[Python] 코드 트리 / 루돌프의 반란코딩테스트 2024. 10. 12. 23:09
특별한 기교가 있는 풀이는 아니고, 그냥 하라는 대로 한 코드.
import sys import heapq input = sys.stdin.readline class Santa: def __init__(self, number, x, y, N): self.number = number self.x = x self.y = y self.score = 0 self.active = True self.stuned = 0 self.distance_to_rudolf = None self.N = N def __lt__(self, other): if self.distance_to_rudolf != other.distance_to_rudolf: return self.distance_to_rudolf < other.distance_to_rudolf if self.x != other.x: return self.x > other.x return self.y > other.y def move(self, rudolf_x, rudolf_y, santa_cords): if self.stuned or not self.active: return None dx = [-1, 0, 1, 0] # 상, 우, 하, 좌 dy = [0, 1, 0, -1] min_distance = get_distance(self.x, self.y, rudolf_x, rudolf_y) best_direction = None for d in range(4): nx = self.x + dx[d] ny = self.y + dy[d] if 0 <= nx < self.N and 0 <= ny < self.N and (nx, ny) not in santa_cords: n_distance = get_distance(nx, ny, rudolf_x, rudolf_y) if n_distance < min_distance: min_distance = n_distance best_direction = d if best_direction is not None: # 현재 위치 삭제 del santa_cords[(self.x, self.y)] # 위치 업데이트 self.x += dx[best_direction] self.y += dy[best_direction] # 새로운 위치 추가 santa_cords[(self.x, self.y)] = self.number self.distance_to_rudolf = min_distance return best_direction else: return None def struggle(self, typ, move_direction, santa_cords, santa_dict): dx = [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1] dy = [0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1] self.score += typ self.stuned = 2 push_distance = typ nx = self.x + dx[move_direction] * push_distance ny = self.y + dy[move_direction] * push_distance # 현재 위치 삭제 del santa_cords[(self.x, self.y)] if not (0 <= nx < self.N and 0 <= ny < self.N): self.active = False return # 착지 위치에 다른 산타가 있는 경우 상호작용 발생 if (nx, ny) in santa_cords: other_santa = santa_dict[santa_cords[(nx, ny)]] other_santa._interaction(move_direction, santa_cords, santa_dict) # 새로운 위치 추가 self.x = nx self.y = ny santa_cords[(self.x, self.y)] = self.number def _interaction(self, move_direction, santa_cords, santa_dict): dx = [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1] dy = [0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1] nx = self.x + dx[move_direction] ny = self.y + dy[move_direction] # 현재 위치 삭제 del santa_cords[(self.x, self.y)] if not (0 <= nx < self.N and 0 <= ny < self.N): self.active = False return # 다음 산타가 있는 경우 재귀적으로 처리 if (nx, ny) in santa_cords: other_santa = santa_dict[santa_cords[(nx, ny)]] other_santa._interaction(move_direction, santa_cords, santa_dict) # 새로운 위치 추가 self.x = nx self.y = ny santa_cords[(self.x, self.y)] = self.number def get_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2): return (x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2 def solve(): N, M, P, C, D = map(int, input().split()) rx, ry = map(int, input().split()) rx -= 1 ry -= 1 santa_dict = {} santa_cords = {} for _ in range(P): i, x, y = map(int, input().split()) santa_dict[i] = Santa(i, x - 1, y - 1, N) santa_cords[(x - 1, y - 1)] = i for turn in range(M): # 산타들의 기절 상태 업데이트 for santa in santa_dict.values(): if santa.stuned > 0: santa.stuned -= 1 # 루돌프의 이동 alive_santas = [santa for santa in santa_dict.values() if santa.active] if not alive_santas: break for santa in alive_santas: santa.distance_to_rudolf = get_distance(rx, ry, santa.x, santa.y) closest_santa = min(alive_santas) dx_r = [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1] dy_r = [0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1] min_distance = float('inf') best_direction = None for d in range(8): nx = rx + dx_r[d] ny = ry + dy_r[d] if 0 <= nx < N and 0 <= ny < N: n_distance = get_distance(nx, ny, closest_santa.x, closest_santa.y) if n_distance < min_distance: min_distance = n_distance best_direction = d if best_direction is not None: rx += dx_r[best_direction] ry += dy_r[best_direction] # 루돌프와 산타의 충돌 처리 if (rx, ry) in santa_cords: collided_santa = santa_dict[santa_cords[(rx, ry)]] collided_santa.struggle(C, best_direction, santa_cords, santa_dict) # 산타들의 이동 및 충돌 처리 for i in range(1, P + 1): santa = santa_dict[i] if not santa.active or santa.stuned > 0: continue direction = santa.move(rx, ry, santa_cords) if santa.x == rx and santa.y == ry: santa.struggle(D, (direction + 2) % 4, santa_cords, santa_dict) #print(rx, ry) #print(santa_cords) # 살아있는 산타들에게 점수 추가 for santa in santa_dict.values(): if santa.active: santa.score += 1 # 모든 산타가 탈락하면 게임 종료 if not any(santa.active for santa in santa_dict.values()): break # 최종 점수 출력 print(' '.join(str(santa_dict[i].score) for i in range(1, P + 1))) if __name__ == "__main__": solve()
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